Fallout 76 Vault Location Guide

In order to be tightly linked with the game's main story,Fallout 76 makes a big show of its titular Vault 76.
It is mentioned in a terminal entry found in the Citadel in Fallout 3, an alien log in the Mothership Zeta add-on, and by a newscaster at the start of Fallout 4.

Vault 76 is a Vault-Tec vault located in the Forest region of Appalachia in 2102.
Its construction began in 2065 and ended in 2069, under the supervision of Vault-Tec official Giles Wolstencroft.

Not all vaults were designed with experimental purposes. Vault 76 is one of seventeen known control vaults, meaning that it was used as a baseline to compare to experimental vaults. Vault 76 housed 500 occupants and was originally programmed to open to the wasteland outside 20 years after a nuclear war.

Vault 76 eventually opened in October 23, 2102, twenty-five years after the Great War and five years after the intended date, in a much-celebrated event known as the "Reclamation Day." By the time of opening, the vault was implied to be nearing maximum capacity.

When you first emerge, you might think it's the only vault in the West Virginia wasteland, but you would be mistaken! There are actually three other vaults in the world, each possessing a unique air of mystique.The three vaults are Vault 63,Vault 94,and Vault 96.

Unfortunately, these vaults cannot be opened--at least not yet. Bethesda plans to allow players into these vaults sometime in the coming months. While what lies within each will remain a mystery for some time, we can give you details on where to find them, so you can get ready when each one opens.

Vault 63
Vault 64 is a tad trickier to be found. You can find it in the southern section of the Ash Heap. It's actually tucked away in a hidden cave entrance inside a shack part way down the road leading towards the Hornwright Testing Sight #03. We've included a screenshot of the shack for your reference in the gallery below.

Outside the vault door is a terminal that divulges details of the vault's status. There's also a keycard slot next to the terminal accepts either of the following items: Vault 63 access ID card, Vault 63 resident ID card, and the Vault 63 maintenance ID card. Currently, these items do not yet exist in the game.

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Vault 94   
Vault 94 is located directly east of the Pumpkin House in the northern section of the Savage Divide. Proceed to the more mountainous area and you should spot a hobbled together entrance way with a welcome sign painted in white. Refer to the images in the gallery below for visual reference.

Apparently, Vault 94 was sealed during the Great War in 2077, but was briefly reopened a year later to dispatch Vault Ambassadors into Appalachia to act as missionaries in service to survivors. By the beginning of the game, Vault 94 had been re-sealed. The vault can be opened again with a correct access code, which only Vault Ambassadors carried.

fallout 76

Vault 96
Vault 96 is located deeper south in the Savage Divide. You'll find it a short ways south of the Spruce Knob (the green tower) in a forested area. Simply head to the point highlighted on the map below and you shouldn't miss it. Like the others vaults, Vault 96 was sealed during the Great War in 2077,but it has remained shut ever since.

fallout 76