How To Get Maplestory M Resources and Where To Spend Resources?

MapleStory M, the side-scrolling adventure mobile game for iOS and Android, has been loved by worldwide players and gotten millions of downloads since its global launch. Same with the other games, if you want to enjoy the game better, you need more resources. There are a lot of resources in maple story, but some come in very limited amount. Here’s how to get Resources in MapleStory M and how to spend your Resources more effectively!

This is by far the most common resource in the game, and you shouldn't have any problem getting this later on in your gameplay (lvl 90+). You get these in large amounts just about everywhere. However, everything in maple cost something and usually it's pretty darn expensive, so don't go spending your Maplestory M meso around like candy.

I suggest using meso to buy epic armor from the trade market and complete a set. Sell any loot that you get and that you don't need from elite dungeons to have enough money to do this.

At high levels, the most expensive thing you will buy with meso are enhancements to your weapon/armor. Also, only enhance your weapon/armor if it's epic quality; anything under won't be used because it's really expensive in stones and powder to upgrade to epic or higher. So you gotta save up early. Enhance your weapon to around level 10 and the rest to level 4, then focus on enhancing your weapon to around level 12 and the rest is up to you.
Gold Leafs
Remember when I said there are resources that are really hard to come by? Well, gold leafs are one of them.
The worst part is, the things you can buy with leafs are really important to level up and upgrade your weapon, but they are also way too expensive, rendering leafs useless. You only get these from missions, achievements, and Nett's pyramid, so yeah they are hard to get.

I find leafs useful for Occult Cubes, which are what you need to change the potential type (from Rare-Epic) of your equipment. Other than that you can buy weapon/armor powder and rank up stones, but I doubt you will ever have enough leafs to buy a lot of these. So just buy epic weapon powder to level up your weapon whenever you have enough leafs.
Armor/Weapon Powder
You need this to level up your weapon/armor and eventually upgrade it's rank. Problem is you only get these from quests (after a certain point they stop), rewards, gold leafs, and elite dungeons. You CANNOT transfer these from character to character.

You need more than 500 of these to max level a unique weapon, after which you can upgrade to legendary. Worst part? Weapon powder can only be used for weapons and armor powder can only be used for armor, making this resource even more scarce. Assuming you start leveling up an epic level weapon, it will take A LOT of elite dungeon grinding (which are limited to 4 per day) to finally be able to get a hold of a legendary weapon.
Armor/Weapon Rank up Stones
Same idea as the armor/weapon powder, except you can transfer these between characters with your storage. So if you have alts they are not a pain in the ass to come by since you get a lot of these in the first quest missions.
You get equipment from treasure boxes (1 free daily or 50 000 meso for 1), or from elite dungeons. You can also buy equipment through the trade station. There an also a few very special equipment you can buy with Mu Long or earn from Nett's pyramid.

I recommend getting most of your gear from the trade station because 1. it cost meso and 2. so that you don't have to go through the hardship of leveling and ranking them up. Try to buy epic equipment since that's the highest rank you can buy from the market. Some people can even sell their unique weapon/armor using a special item that cost gems so if ever you see a unique item and you can afford it, buy it!

An epic armor/weapon should cost around 1 mil meso give or take but that can change due to how new the game is.
Always level up, enhance, upgrade, your weapon first.
Didn't buy any yet but you cannot obtain any cosmetics through F2P so if ever you get free gems to make sure to pimp out your character!