FIFA 19 Starter Guide

FIFA 19 is an upcoming football simulation video game developed by EA Vancouver and EA Bucharest, as part of Electronic Arts' FIFA series, will be released 28 September 2018 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. So we want to point out a few ways to gain coins that may be obvious but are not being talked about enough. These are a few little tips that you can do to build capital over the start of Fifa 19.

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EA Coin Boost
You recieve EA coin boosts in the range of 200-1000 coins. Will really help you grind out coins in the beginning of the game, around 70 games worth of 1000 coin boosts which will amount to a total of 100K. A good total to start trading with or building a team for FUT rivals.

OP Players
Try to avoid expensive players, the market will be voliatile and overpriced at the start of the game. We will be reviewing "Beast" players that you can use to climb your way up the FUT rivals ladder and to use in WL. Don't try to build an end game team to quickly.

Finally learn to trade. We will be releasing content across FIFA 19 to help you with this, such as sniping filters and any trading methods that become relevant over the course of FIFA 19, be it basic level up to Ico trading for massive profits. Pack luck is unreliable and reward system does not reward you sufficently enough to keep up with the top level squads. If you are looking at top teaders advice, Focus of why they are picking certain players rather than the players themselves. If everyone goes for the same player there isn't much profit to be made. Understand why certain methods are good and why certain players are good. Don't follow blindly.

Fitness Rule
Early of in FIFA consumables are expensive or atleast uneconomical. Think about building two teams, both OP if possible and rotate. This should save you 1-2K every other game and at this stage of the game it counts.

Load System
Think about using the load system. These will likely be loan players avialable on the EA catalogue again, this year we saw Bale and Suarez as well as a host of other that tend to be overpricesd in the early game. This will give you the competitive edge in the first 10 games.