TERA Gunner PvE Guide

En Masse Entertainment announced that the most explosive character for TERA – the Gunner class – will be launching June 26 on Xbox One and PS4. I'll be doing a quick overview about the PvE aspect of Gunner.


When doing PvE content on Gunner the optimal stats you can get are the following:

  • Top Line: Increases damage by 9.3% when attacking enraged monsters.
  • Increases damage by 9.3% when attacking enraged monsters.
  • Increases damage by 6.9% when attacking from behind.
  • Increases damage by 6%.
  • Fourth Line: Decreases skill cooldowns by 7.2%
If the weapon only has 3 lines on the bottom (which is the case for Guardian and Twistshard Weapons), only take Damage Increase stats. Cooldown Reduction stat should be taken for 4th line.

  • Top line: Decreases cooldown of Replenishment by 15%.
  • Decreases damage from enraged monsters by 10%.
  • Decreases damage taken by 6%.
  • Decreases damage taken from frontal attacks by 6.9%.
  • Fourth line: Raises max HP by 8%
If the armor only has 3 lines on the bottom (which is the case for Guardian and Twistshard Armors), only take Damage Decrease stats. Maximum hp stat should be taken for 4th line.

  • Increases Power by 5.
  • Increases Crit Factor by 9.
  • Increases Attack Speed by 2.25%
These are your typical DPS Glove rolls. Every single DPS class uses these.

  • Increases Endurance by 4.
  • Increases Movement Speed by 6%.
  • Replenishes 2% of total MP every 5 seconds.
These are your typical Boots rolls. Every single class uses these.


When using Crystals it's important to use the highest available level for your weapon, so at level 65 this means you should use Fine …. Niveots. Ideally you want to use Dyads, which are crafted by using Dyad Niveot Structures of Smart Dyad Niveot Structures.
For more information you can click here

Regular runs: Mystic
Pounding, Focused, Savage, Spiteful.

Slaying Runs
Slaying, Focused, Savage, Spiteful.

Regular runs: Priest
Carving, Focused, Savage, Spiteful.

Hardy, Hardy, Hardy, Hardy


Each Keen Vyrsk adds 6 Crit Factor while Powerful Vyrsk adds 3 Power.
For each Earrings and Rings, will have a Crystal Slot. You may need to reference the chart above to build the recommended Crit Factor stat based on your race and party.
If you do not need to build any more Crit Factor, swap out Keen for Powerful.


Depending on your Gunner's Race and Healer's presence in the party, Gunners need to build different amount of Crit factor.
Make sure that these are the values WITHOUT any buffs.

With this chart in mind, Earrings, Rings, and Necklace combinations may vary depending on your needs as they have Carving (Crit Factor) and Pumped (Power) variants.

Stats for each piece of Accessories should be taken as following:

For the Mask, which is obtainable as a rare drop from high tier dungeon, Cooldown Reduction stat should be taken. However, note that Mask's stat cannot be chosen, so this may take a while to obtain.


The etchings you'll want to use for PvE are:

PvE Glyphs

For PvE you'll want to use a glyph page that looks like this:

PvE Glyphs

if you need more information on how to get the Glyphs with the Blue highlight, you'll have to farm Island of Dawn for Glyph Boxes.

Priority List

The priority list will look like this, from top to bottom:

  • Bombardment
  • Balder's Vengeance
  • Burst Fire
  • Arcane Barrage
  • Replenishment
  • Time Bomb
  • Scattershot
  • Mana Missiles
  • Arc Bomb

Gunner makes repeated use of Arcane Barrage and Scattershot to generate Willpower until it ceases to yield resets or approach the Willpower maximum, whichever comes first.

At that point, given time bomb is available, a Gunner will drop their Time Bomb and Burst Fire until they've run themselves out of Willpower given it's available.

Then, generate as much willpower as fast as possible to repeat the process within the soft window of Time Bomb's cooldown.


Prime Battle Solution:

This is a consumable you should always have active. On every single classs.

Bravery vs Canephora:

Canephora is the stronger of the two potions in most cases, although if a player deems fit, they can use bravery in the presence of a brawler given their lack of an attack speed steroid.

Other Consumables:
Other optional consumables consist of Noctenium Elixir, Lamb Bulgogi, Feast, and Lein's Dark Root Beer. These are considered more of luxury, but they provide buffs that will help you maximize your performance.

Noctenium Elixir improves skill's Noctenium effect as well as skill damage. The duration varies by the tier of the item used.
Lamb Bulgogi grants additional 20 Crit Factor, so make sure to reference the Crit Factor Chart.
Feast grants various buffs at once, including Lamb Bulgogi. However, note that “Friendly Feast” do not include Lamb Bulgogi.
Lein's Dark Root Beer grants 20 Attack Speed for 10 seconds, but note that this will distort your screen a bit.

The data is from U4gm to share with players, we paste it here.

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